外媒:现代绅士必备39个技能 知道何时发表情符号

11.11.2015  09:32

  Texting an emoji to a loved one or riding astride a galloping horse. Both are skills that, apparently, should come with ease to the modern gentleman.


  Or at least that is the message in the latest edition of Country Life.


  The weekly magazine has published its '39 steps' reflecting what it deems to be the ground rules for male manners in today's bewildering world of social media, high-tech gadgets and constantly shifting trends.


  It comprises a range of topics, including male grooming, technology use and competency in the great outdoors.


  The inclusion of pursuits like sailing and horse-riding are listed and chime with historic gentlemanly conventions, while other suggestions firmly reflect 21st century trends.


  One rule drawn up by Rupert Uloth, the magazine's deputy editor, is that a gentleman should 'know when to use an emoji', the smiley faces that can be copied into text messages and emails.


  He insists they should never be used in professional life.

  鲁伯特 尤罗思坚持认为,表情符号不应该用于职业生活中。

  'The point about that one is that it's good to be able to communicate with one's children, godchildren, nephews and nieces, and to show that you know what an emoji is,' said Mr Uloth.


  The magazine also says a gentleman 'never blow dries his hair', never wears sandals, 'can tie his own bow tie' and polishes his shoes. Lilac socks, it says, are poor taste.


  The modern gentleman should also have read Pride and Prejudiceand 'cooks an omelette to die for.'


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