时 间: 2016年5月25日13:30—16:00
地 点: 图文信息中心第一会议室
主 持: 孙跃东 副校长
参加人员: 近三年新进青年教师
本次论坛由国际交流处美国文化交流中心赞助纪念品和茶歇(funded by an ACCEX grant to a partnership between UND and USST),欢迎其他有兴趣的教师积极参与!
序号 | 时间 | 事项 |
1 | 13:30—13:40 | 孙跃东副校长讲话 |
2 | 13:40—14:30 | 主题报告一 |
3 | 14:30—14:40 | 茶歇 |
4 | 14:40—15:30 | 主题报告二 |
5 | 15:30—16:00 | 互动环节 |
主讲: Dr. Anne Kelsch, Director of Instructional Development, Professor of History, University of North Dakota
摘要: Biology faculty at the University of North Dakota (UND), like STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) faculty elsewhere, have noted significant barriers to student success in traditional teaching approaches: large entry-level classes make effective teaching and learning challenging, students have few opportunities to really “do science,” tests place too much emphasize on memorizing facts out of context, and students see classes solely as about demonstrating knowledge rather than developing and using a deeper understanding. In seeking to address this reality, four years ago faculty in UND’s Biology Department began a program-wide transformation, moving all core courses in the major into a SCALE-UP (Student Centered Active Leaning Environment for Upside Pedagogies) classroom. This type of technology rich collaborative learning environment is intentionally designed to facilitate active student engagement while still accommodating large classes (180 students in this case). In alignment with research conducted around SCALE-UP development, assessment data at our institution demonstrates a positive difference in student learning. Interviews with the faculty engaged in this transition provide a better understanding of how we can leverage technology and shared teaching strategies to enhance STEM student success.
主讲: Director of Essential Studies, Professor of Mathematics, University of North Dakota
摘要: Research within the last decade has revealed the increased effectiveness of certain practices within US higher education. These approaches are sometimes given names like “active learning” or “high-impact practices,” and have received much attention across the US. This presentation will provide an overview of these practices, and then use examples of work from the University of North Dakota to illustrate how certain of these practices have been implemented.