8月17至20日,美国机械工程协会2014国际设计和工程技术会议在美国纽约州水牛城召开,会上颁发了2014年度ASME达芬奇奖(2014 Leonardo Da Vinci Award)。上海交通大学机械动力学院的高峰教授成为第一位获得此项殊荣的亚洲人,也是第一位来自美国和加拿大以外的获奖者。
1. 2004: Alexander Slocum, Neil and Jane Pappalardo Professor of Mechanical Engineering MacVicar Faculty Fellow, MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering.
2. 2005: Given to a team of 9 engineers from NASA for their invention of Mars Rover.
3. 2009: S.V. Sreenivasan, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Thornton Centennial Fellow in Engineering, UT Austin, Founder and CTO of Molecular Imprints Inc for his invention of Jet and Flash™ Imprint Lithography (J-FIL™) technology.
4. 2010: Shorya Awtar, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, U of Michigan, for his invention of FlexDex TM – a novel mechanical technology platform that, for the first time, offers enhanced dexterity, intuitive control, and natural force feedback in minimally invasive surgical procedures at an affordable price.
5. 2013: Mohan Bodduluri, co-founder and CTO of Restoration Robotics, for his invention of the revolutionary ARTAS(R) Robotic System, the first and only FDA-cleared, physician-controlled, computer-assisted technology for hair transplantation.
6. 2014: Feng Gao, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, for his invention of a 6-DOF parallel manipulator with 400t-m payload for manufacturing extra large forgings that is widely recognized as a breakthrough in machine design for the forging industry.