
25.10.2016  14:37


题  目: The Behaviour of Buildings During a Fire – Why the World Trade Centre 7 collapsed(世贸中心7号楼坍塌之谜----论火灾环境下高层建筑的响应特性)

主讲人: Colin Bailey  曼切斯特大学常务副校长

主持人: 胡寿根  上海理工大学校长

时  间: 2016年10月28日 15:00

地  点: 大礼堂二楼会议室


主讲人简介: Colin Bailey, PhD, Professor, the university of Manchester’s Deputy President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, FREng, BEng, CEng, FICE, FIStructE。

Colin joined the University of Manchester in 2002, as a Professor of Structural Engineering. He previously worked for the design consultants Lovell Construction, Cameron Taylor Bedford, and Clarke Nicholls & Marcel, where he designed and supervised the construction of a number of building structures. He has also worked for the Steel Construction Institute (SCI) and the Building Research Establishment (BRE), where his practical and research experience resulted in significant developments in structural engineering.   He is author of over 120 research papers and practical design guides, and has been awarded 9 prizes for his research work. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE), a Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers (FIStructE), and a member of the Institution of Fire Engineers (MIFireE).



震惊世界的911恐怖袭击当天,全世界观众通过电视目睹了遭飞机撞击的世贸双塔(1号楼和2号楼)的倒塌。距离双塔不远处的世贸7号楼,尽管没有受到飞机撞击,也于当天下午5:20坍塌。作为调查7号楼坍塌的专家之一,Bailey教授根据现场调查详细分析了7号楼坍塌过程,揭示了7号楼在1号楼倒塌后引发局部火灾导致局部结构破坏,进而引发结构连锁倒塌的机理。在此基础上, Bailey教授介绍了基于建筑火灾安全的结构火灾工程学(Structural Fire Engineering),分析对比了基于普通防火规范的建筑建造方法(Prescriptive Approach)和基于火灾环境下建筑响应特性进行建筑建造方法(Performance Approach)的优缺点。指出结构火灾工程学主要从火灾的发展、建筑着火后的热响应及结构响应三个方面考虑建筑火灾安全问题,并根据这一方法分析了7号楼建造的不足之处,最后根据美国NIST的最终调查报告提出了在建造高层建筑时考虑火灾安全的建议。


