云端携手,联通世界 ——上海外国语大学“跨文化交际”慕课开放第12轮学习

16.03.2021  12:11

由上海外国语大学跨文化研究中心精心打造的全英语国际慕课Intercultural Communication(跨文化交际)于2015年11月在FutureLearn 平台正式上线,已成为享誉全球的跨文化学习和英语学习的优质资源,入选国家首批精品在线开放课程。为了配合各校开展混合式教学和翻转课堂教学,该慕课每年春季和秋季各运行一轮,至今已成功运行了11轮,有来自世界近200个国家和地区的约65,000人参与了课程学习。

Developed by the SISU Intercultural Institute at Shanghai International Studies University, the all-English global-access “International Communication” online course was launched on the FutureLearn platform in November 2015. This interactive resource has become a world-renowned educational tool that integrates cross-cultural interaction with English learning and has been selected as one of the country’s first model MOOCs. Allowing flexibility for mixed-mode teaching and flipped classroom education, the course is offered once each spring and autumn semester. The 11 successful course runs to date have attracted 65,000 people from nearly 200 countries and regions.


The 12 th run of the course opens for free to all on 15 March 2021. We welcome teachers and students to participate, share cultural stories, and engage in cross-cultural communication with learners from all over the world. Join us to enhance your intercultural awareness and develop cross-cultural skills through interesting content and dialogues!

课程链接: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/intercultural-communication/12


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