
06.06.2019  05:30
2019 06/06 05:23 分享 返回

  6月3日0点, 万众瞩目的Uniqlo x KAWS合作款系列上架发售。



   ”优衣库 x KAWS的众生相”

  微博话题 #优衣库联名款遭哄抢# 在短短数小时内登上热搜榜前五,截至4日早上阅读数超4亿,讨论超5万。

  不少网友搬起小板凳,强势围观了一波抢购优衣库 x KAWS的众生相。

  The weekend release of the special Uniqlo x Kaws UT capsule in China turned into an absolute craze itself, with viral videos across social media depicting customers fighting over 99 yuan T-shirts.


  The Uniqlo hype soon became a trending topic on Chinaps Twitter-like Weibo, gathering over 450 million views and 50,000 comments within hours. A new collection of memes and jokes went popular at the same time, with some netizens teasing the madness: "You can take Gaokao next year! But the Uniqlo x Kaws collection is now or never!"

本文来源:中国国际电视台 作者: 责任编辑:姚卫斌